Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mysteries of the Western Rails

A curious story came to my attention a few years back.  I was having dinner with a friend who happens to be a train enthusiast.  He showed me an envelope containing a half-dozen small objects:  they appeared to be electrical components, similar to parts from a circuit board.  The objects were all fairly uniform in size and shape, with a rough quality to them.  They were dull in color, rigid,  possibly of some metallic alloy.  They had wires protruding from the tips, and were in weathered condition with much corrosion and rust to the wires.  The objects all had geometric designs painted on their surface.

I immediately recognized the markings.  They were clearly those of alchemical symbology.

Stranger yet is the story that my colleague recounted for me.  He lives perhaps a quarter mile from the infinitely long stretch of railroad that traverses Northern California and on up into Oregon, colliding with the steel network that criss-crosses the entire continent.  On regular walks, he often finds himself collecting an assortment of odd items along these stretches of track.  But what was strange about these items, is that they were affixed to the sides of the rails themselves. Being a train buff, he knew this is not normal, and certainly not official.  After removing a few and researching the markings, he knew their purpose was something far more mysterious.

Upon dissection of two of the objects, my friend found what was apparently sulpher, and in the other an unknown dark powdery substance.  Having heard this, I was certain of the arcane nature of these objects.  I can only speculate on their purpose, and my speculations admittedly are quite fanciful.  But I am afraid there is no logical explanation.

Are there (or were there) individuals out there using the American railways, the infinitely looping highways of steel tracks, as some sort of conduit for esoteric purposes?  Are unknown forces being channelled along these vast antennae?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Subliminal Messages and Secret Rooms at the Bell Labs Building

Sometime in the autumn of 2007, I was invited by a colleague to visit his studio in downtown Manhattan.  He has a sort of sound studio/laboratory on the West side.  I was interested to learn that this building was the old Bell Laboraties building.  I, of course, knew Bell Labs as being the home to many modern marvels - television and the atomic bomb to name just two zingers.
As we snaked through the bowels of the building, through the labrynth of musty corridors now used by residents of the building for storage or subterranean creative quarters, I couldn't help shake the image of rooms filled with wires and hulking supercomputers designed to do simple mathematic equations that can now be done on a wristwatch.

I also thought it interesting that, though the building was decommissioned by Bell Labs, we were still heading into its belly to visit a sound laboratory of sorts.  When we arrived, it was about as I had imagined it - a small, low ceilinged concrete bunker, with sound baffles hanging from the walls and ceilings, isolation booths for recording, electronic equipment, and sound recording gear.  He proceeded to tell me some of the history of the building, about how it had been home of the Manhattan Project.  The vacuum tube, phonograph, and radar were all developed here.  The first images were transmitted wirelessly across the Hudson River between this building and another building in New Jersey.  What started as the brainchild of Alexander Graham Bell had become the colossus responsible for everything from Johnny Carson to the Beatles to Hiroshima.

This gentleman was working on a project that involved binaural beats and their effect on human brainwaves.  Binaural beats are electronically generated stereophonic tones that can only be heard within our minds, so to speak.  Two notes are played, one in each ear, and the brain creates a third harmonic tone from the originals - a virtual note that is in effect capable of hypnotic power.    He explained that many of the concepts being used in this project were, in fact, invented under that very roof by teams of technicians and theorists, long ago.  It did seem a bit like a place that would be visited by spectres of the past, leaving their faint whispers as the tape rolled in the control room.

Then he told me the story of how stereophonic sound was first invented here, but the recordings were lost.  The credit ultimately went to another scientist.  That's how it was in those days, competition was fierce for first place.  That's when he showed me the secret room.

It wasn't so much a secret room as a hidden closet, obscured by antiquated clutter.  The room appeared to be a file room, with shelves of boxes of paper, racks of phonograph records, and dusty tape spools.  He pointed to the piles of material and smiled.  "I think it might be in here somewhere." And perhaps it still is.  It seems during the renovations of the Bell Laboratories building, this back room in the far corner of the basement was overlooked.  These archival materials sat undisturbed for possibly fifty years before my associate uncovered them.

As I sat and listened to the recent recordings he had made, my mind was rapt with the subtle pulsing tones.  A chorus of synthetic instruments disguised the subliminal mechanisms at work.  But I am certain that I could make out the faintest of whispers somewhere in the dark.

To listen to a sample of these recordings, go to:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Egyptian Ties to the Early Americans?

This curious article from the Phoenix Gazette, 1909, describes a rather unusual theory regarding a presumably Hopi cave site discovered in the Grand Canyon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The New Atlantis: Oceania's Great Lost Continent

Many books have been written on Atlantis, Lemuria and the continent of Mu.  I won't attempt to do that here.  One of the most promising theories is that the real Lost Continent is in fact Australia or one of the other land masses of Oceania.  As Jared Diamond reminds us in Guns, Germs, and Steel, the aboriginal peoples of Australia branched off from other peoples around 40,000 years ago.   This is very much in keeping with the "ancient-of-ancients" timeline that goes with the myth of Atlantis.  Even the civilizations closest in proximity do not share the same bloodlines as the Ancient People of Australia.  The aboriginees of Australia were literally lost to History before it was written.

It would make perfect sense for the ancient oral historians to the north to believe Atlantis was lost to the sea.  It was.  At least the passage closest to them was.  Land once existed in areas where there is now sea, and those areas of land made up the long passage from the greater continents to what is now called Australia.  Although very minor trade routes existed, they were much later, and cofined to very non-influential local ports in that chain of islands and subcontinents.  This would have happened over a very long period of time, and the stories would have slowly changed like a very long game of telephone.

As for the advanced technologies attributed to Atlanteans, perhaps they are mostly myth.  But myths are how humans project the impossible, in order to make it possible.  The myth-makers in turn, and in time, manifest their own myths.  If you have not yet read Bacon's contribution to the subject, then you may be startled at what is possible when the imagination is called upon.  Perhaps ultimately the story of Atlantis is part history, and part forecast of what was to come.  Until we know for sure, I for one, will continue to scour the shallows for some hint of a lost past.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Earthly Currents

Some of us in the community have been aware of this for centuries.  The notion of powerful currents, strong forces traveling through the earth is no longer speculative, it is scientifically proven.  The currents of liquid iron that pulse through the heart of our planet, the spewing magmatic fissures that create (and devour) entire continents is more than fearful apocrypha.  It is absolute Truth.

While this may seem to be 'a given' by some new to this discussion, let us not forget that it was still being wildly speculated upon by our parents and grandparents.  Plate tectonics, now science, was a radical theory that now gives new credence to the "myths" of such lost continents as Atlantis and Mu.  (Let it be noted that either of these places could in fact be the same continent, as different names have been attributed to the same place for millennia. )

And Nikola Tesla's experiments with electricity proved that this Planet was a conductor, and a great source, of electrical energy.  Let us look back at this New York Times article from not so long ago, historically speaking.

New York Times Archive - New York Earthquake